Islamic Center of Detroit, Michigan, Imam Imran Salha warned Muslims against forging alliances with pro-Palestine activists who endorse LGBTQ principles and who are « at war with Allah », such as the Democratic Party.

Salha also condemned Israel’s Jerusalem Day Flag March, in which the « sick disgusting Zionist regime – may Allah eradicate them, » took their « disgusting flags [and] entered the purified land of Al-Aqsa. » He warned the Islamic leaders and scholars « who have sold out on Palestine, » saying: « You will be dragged by the chains of Hellfire with the people that you want to make peace with. »

Imam Salha was born in New Jersey and is of Palestinian origin.

« If somebody loves Palestine, but they don’t worship Allah, then I don’t want your activism for Palestine.

What is your activism for Palestine going to help me, if you are at war with Allah? This is one of the mistakes that, unfortunately, here in America, we have made politically. We want to work for the sake of Palestine, but then shake hands with people who endorse things like the LGBTQ principles.

« So you will say that the Democrats will support the Palestinians, but they are at war with Allah. Do you think that someone who is at war with Allah will help you achieve freedom for Palestine?

You know Paradise, you know Hell, you know the Day of Judgement, you know the Purgatory. You know that if you are patient, you have something to look forward to, whereas those [non-believers], the only thing they know about death is that they will become fertilizer for cows.
« There was the Flag March in Palestine, where the sick, disgusting Zionist regime – may Allah eradicate them from existence, say: ‘Amen’ – they took their disgusting flags, the flags of occupation and oppression, and entered into the purified land of Al-Aqsa, walking around as if they had a claim to that land. »

Hamas strongly has condemned the last authorization of the « fascist occupation authorities » to hold a provocative march for « homosexuals. »

Munich imam Schekeb Popal is also familiar with the problem: « I am confronted with conflicts every day. Thanks to social media, when I get calls, when people write to me and tell me, I have these worries and these people are almost on the verge of suicide. Thus, even though there is no explicit passage in the Qur’an that forbids LGBTI*, it is often used to freely interpret the fact that homosexuality is forbidden.

Imams and liberal believers see this as a condemnation of sexual violence in general, not homosexuality.

While some timidly invite debate, for other Muslims, the very idea of such a debate is blasphemous

A young Palestinian woman was killed because of her homosexuality


A 25-year-old Ahmad Abu Marhia, a gay man, was beheaded by thuggish homophobes in Hebron in the West Bank. Footage of this gruesome hate crime was uploaded to social media.

At the time of his death, Mr Ahmad Hacham Hamdi Abu Marakhia was seeking asylum in… you guessed it, Israel. That might be because, where Palestine was at number 130 on UCLA’s list of gay-friendly states, Israel was at number 44.


Tomer Aldubi, 29, a gay Israeli Jewish activist and artist who has worked with LGBTQ Palestinians for many years and knew Marakhia, told the Bay Area Reporter in a phone interview October 13, explained that people know there are LGBTQ Palestinians and that many of them live deeply in the closet or are slain in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but it is not usually shown or talked about.

« This time is a bit different, » he said, stating that Marakhia’s killing was more like those committed by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, better known as ISIS, or Afghanistan’s Taliban, whose graphic images of killings of suspected LGBTQ people are circulated online. « It seems that everything was planned, » Aldubi added.

« That’s why everybody’s talking … in the Palestinian society, in the Israeli society, » he said.


« Everyone is afraid of everyone. Some have been punished, some have been killed. Others killed themselves…” —Gay Gaza Palestinian

15 years old, stabbed because it was thought he was homosexual, Irak

« Israel does not criminalize same-sex relations in contrast to nearly all countries in the Middle East and North Africa regions. They arrested me, hanged me from the ceiling, beat me up and interrogated me for five days.” —Gay Gaza Palestinian now living in exile in Turkey

Gender-based violence, honor killings, torture of Members of the Palestinian LGBTQ Community, torture against political opponents, execution of Palestinians who sell land to Jews: a deadly taboo..

Likewise, Palestinian law fails to protect women from domestic violence generally.

A report by the Gender Index of the OECD Development Centre explained that in Palestinian society, extended family tend to intervene to resolve issues of domestic violence, which often works in favor of the perpetrators, and victims of sexual violence are stigmatized.

Within the top 20 most dangerous nations across the globe, Saudi Arabia ranked second among Middle East and North African nations, followed by Oman (5), Qatar (8), UAE (9), Yemen (10), Sudan (13), West Bank and Gaza (14), Iran (15), Morocco (18), Egypt (19), and Algeria (20).

This culture of violence is unjustifiable and creates an atmosphere of anxiety among children, young people.

➡️Where are the feminists and left-wing parties?

Coralie Schaffter